Credit cards are a real problem with our society today. Easy credit everywhere makes life tough in the long run. If we take responsibility for our spending habits we have the ability to resolve the credit card issues that plague us. Not that the credit card companies that have been handing out credit on a "it's like candy" basis don't deserve some of the blame because clearly they do. However, we tend to blame our issues on other people and entities. The most likely scenario that occurred, before your credit got out of hand was something like this: I'll apply for a credit card it will be more convenient. We filled out the paperwork and int eh information and agreed to the insane terms because we thought that we would never let it get out of hand. Yet here we are months or years later and this is not the situation at all. Sure the credit card companies failed us with their dirty tricks and unforgiving ways, but we also failed ourselves by not keeping to our original promise to ourselves to pay the balance off or keep our spending in check. Here are some steps to start the process of repair.
1 Break your addiction. Quit using your cards. This will only exacerbate the issue you are currently struggling with. You will find that reducing credit card interest is impossible unless you pay the bill off in full, and you can't do that when you are still making purchases with them.
2.Go see a credit counselor. There are many legitimate free credit counselors available in each state to assist you with these issues and many times they can get you on the right path.
3. Look for some personal debt consolidation options. Depending on your specific situation, you may find that this is a viable option that can resolve your issues with a sense of immediacy you can't find with other solutions.
4.Once on the right path keep following it. It is always tough to change habits, but after you follow the path for a little while it will get easier.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
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